Week 4
This week went about as smooth as possible, no outside issues, and no lifting/body issues. Another good week in the books. Tied an all-time 3RM PR of 495, except that this time I got it incredibly easily. Feeling very good about where my deadlift is at, despite feeling like it has taken a huge backseat to my squat and bench training.
Nothing to complain about this week, looking forward for two weeks when I either test a PR 1RM, attempt to beat 495×3, both of which I think are easily doable at this point. Rest wise, this week was pretty smashed together with three of my days back to back. It didn’t seem to bother me, however I won’t make a habit of ignoring recovery time.
Played it safe on close grip bench after week 2’s gross over estimation, ended up guessing a perfect weight and had a great max effort upper body day. Dynamic days went smooth, albeit with little rest after each other. The as-many-reps-as-possible (AMRAP) sets are killer, but I love them. Still hate banded deadlifts, but it really makes me conscious about getting the bar off the floor as quickly as possible, and along with deficit deads, have really helped I think. Moving into next week, I have a huge squat day coming up so lots of rest, mobility work, and prehab ahead of me.
Max Effort Lower
Deadlift: Heavy Triple
I needed to beat my week two lift, 485×3, and as I was warming up everything felt heavy, however when it came time, I hit 495×3 very easily. Watching back my recording I, I failed to lock-out my third rep, not because I missed it but I was over excited and dropped it early to celebrate. To compensate I rounded up my final work set 5lbs and hit 495 again and made sure I did it correctly.
Deadlift: work sets
380×3, 425×3, 495×3
Deficit Deadlift
225×4, 315×4, 365×4
Front Squats
135×8, 185×8, 185×8
Seated Deadlift
Max Effort Upper
Close Grip Bench: Heavy Triple
Close Grip Bench: Work sets
245×3, 280×3, 315×3
Floor Press
185×8, 225×8, 275×8
Incline DB Press
Pendlay Rows
Dynamic Lower
Speed Squats vs. Light Bands
Speed Deads vs. Short Light Bands
270x8x1, 295×5, 335×5, 380×7 (AMRAP)
Single Leg Work: FFE Reverse Lunges
Good Mornings
Lat Pulls
Suitcase Deadlift
Dynamic Upper
Speed Bench vs. Monster Minis
Bench vs. Monster Minis
205×5, 230×5, 265×8 (AMRAP)
Arnold Press
Cable Rows
Rear Delt Flys
DB Skulls