Another solid day in the books after hitting heavy conventional deficit deadlifts today. My conventional pulls are starting to look halfway decent again after I took a took a couple training blocks to focus on my sumo stance and mobility. Today’s training session went as follows…
Stretch and Warm-Up
Deficit Conventional Deadlift
135×5, 185×5, 225×3, 275×3, 315×3, 365×3, 385×3, 395×3, 405×3
375×4, 375×3
Sumo Deadlift (Paused at Knee)
315×3, 345×3, 365×3
Paused Front Squat
185×12, 225×10, 245×8
Pull Throughs – 4×20
Upper Back Extension – 3×10
Lying Leg Raise Holds – 4x30sec
405 is a huge PR for me as I only got 315 for my top set of three two weeks ago. It is funny how much better my lifts seem to go when I am feeling 100% and can go full bore. Now that I have my body feeling fresh and recovered between sessions, I will be focusing on maintaining that. Hopefully this allows me to raise the overall quality of my training sessions and get more out of everyday. Now it is time to rest and prepare for my work week to start on Friday. Until next time!