I have been super busy these past few weeks and have not been very prompt on my training logs. School is honestly kicking my ass with it being my last semester and having three capstone classes. These training logs may be coming in late and I apologize for that. I’m not going to be putting many weights down because it depends on how I’m feeling that day and what the workout looks like with how much I use. A lot of the workout I just go off of feel and try to have fun with it. I don’t go in to the gym with numbers in my head of what I’m going to hit like I would with a powerlifting program.. and nobody cares how much I can curl. Here is what my first week looked like.
Week 1, Day 2 – Chest and Shoulders
A1) Cable Flys – 4×10+10 partials
B1) Incline Chest Press Machine – Sets of 15, up to a top set of 15; then 2 drop sets on last set
C1) Bench Press – 4×12 (135,155)
D1) Rear Delt Raises – 4×15
E1) Lateral Raises – 4×15
F1) Overhead Press Machine – 2×20
Week 1, Day 3 – Back
A1) Chest Supported Row Machine – 1×15; 1×12; 1×10; 1×8
B1) Chest Supported DB Rows – 1×12; 1×10; 1×8
C1) Lat Pulldown – 3×10
D1) Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns – 3×12
D2) DB Pullovers – 3×12 (60)
E1) Seated Cable Rows – 3×15
Week 1, Day 4 – Arms
A1) Pressdowns – 6×12
B1) Dips – 4 sets of max reps (assisted if you need to)
C1) Preacher Curls – 1×12; 1×10; 1×8
D1) Hammer Curls – 3×12
E1) DB Curls – 3×20