Well, I am finally getting around to posting on here again. I have been MIA for most of this semester due to school. It has been pretty difficult to find my rhythm through out this semester since it is my last one. That is life and life goes on. The semester is starting to finally wind down with five weeks left so its beginning to be a little easier to get into the gym. You don’t know how much the gym relieves stress until you don’t go and all the stress starts building up, so its been so nice to get back in and relieve some of that stress. With that being said here is the first week of my off-season program.
Week 1, Day 1 – Max Effort Lower
A1) SSB Box Squat – Work up to a 5RM for the day; 85% of that for 2 sets of AMAP (325) (275 x5,x5)
B1) SSB Pause Squat (1ct) – 3×10 (165, 185, 195)
C1) GHR – 3 sets, max reps (16,14, 13)
D1) GHH/Back Extension – 3×20
E1) Leg Extensions – 3×15 (120, 130, 140)
F1) Wtd Sit Ups – 4×15
Week 1, Day 2 – Max Effort Upper; Tricep Emphasis
A1) Spoto Press vs Doubled Mini Bands – Work up to a 5RM for the day; 85% of that for 2 sets of AMAP (125) (115 x5, x7)
B1) Close Grip 1 Board Press – 3×10 (185)
C1) Rolling Tricep Extensions – 4×10
D1) DB Skull Crushers – 4×10
E1) Pressdowns – 100 total reps
F1) DB Flys – 3×20
F2) Rear Delt Raises – 3×20
Week 1, Day 3 – Dynamic Effort Lower; Intensity Based
A1) Speed Box Squat vs ~25% Band Tension –40%x12x2 (175)
B1) Deficit (1.5”) Deadlift, Opposite Stance – Work up to a 5RM for the day (365)
C1) SSB Good Morning – Work up to a 10RM (215)
D1) Step Ups – 3×10 per leg
E1) DB Stiff Leg Deadlifts – 4×20
F1) Standing Cable Crunches – 4×12
Week 1, Day 4 – Dynamic Effort Upper; Back Emphasis
A1) Fat Bar Speed Bench Press vs Doubled Mini Bands – 40%x10x3 (115)
B1) Close Grip Fat Bar Bench Press vs Doubled Mini Bands – Work up to a 10RM (105)
C1) Neutral Grip DB Bench Press – 3×15-20 (60,65,70)
D1) Wide Grip Pull Ups – 3 sets, max reps (use a band or assisted machine if you need to – no less than 5 reps) (15, 11, 8)
E1) Chest Supported Rows – 3×12
F1) Lat Pulldowns – 3×12
G1) Face Pulls – 100 total reps