Week 5
I’m nearing the end of the current training block, and these next two weeks have me attempting to beat previous 3RM PRs or attempting a 1RM PR, which is exciting as I get to see the payoff from the work I put in. Looking back on the week, I am very happy with what I’ve done so far with this block.
Max Effort Lower
This was the day I was eying from the moment I started the block. 1RM PR attempt on squat. As a powerlifter, nothing is as exciting as this. I’m not sure if it was a mix of nerves and excitement or just a bad routine I’ve had, but I got nearly zero sleep the night before. I went to sleep at midnight and then woke up wide awake at 4, and couldn’t fall back asleep. Not the best night before a big lift.
Continuing the trend, I felt like trash all through warm ups, and seriously thought I was going to puke at one point. Eventually I got over it. Working up, I wanted to attempt 475×1 which was reasonable considering how my training had been going and was still a 10lbs PR for me. I worked up to it, and when I attempted, my training partner immediately said I needed to go heavier and told me to watch the recording. The rep felt good, but he was right, I moved the weight fast and didn’t struggle at all. After debating with him, we decided (he made me) to go for 500 lbs. Nothing to say about it other than it felt great, and was a huge PR for me. Very pleased.
My work sets and the rest of the workout suffered though, missed on my second set and decided not to attempt a third at 475. It’s a bad place to be, but overall I think I made the right call, 500 took it all out of me and I just didn’t have it left in me. Accessory work also suffered a bit but managed to push through.
Squat: PR single
475×1, 500×1
Squat: work sets
375×3, 425×2, NA on last work set (would have been 475 AMRAP)
Pause Squats, Wide Stance
Pull Throughs
Reverse Hypers
Here’s a slightly blurry video of my 500 lbs squat:
Max Effort Upper
I wasn’t going to attempt a PR single on bench because I don’t have wrist wraps and didn’t want to risk dropping the weight, and I’d rather not risk shoulder or elbow injury. With how my block had been going I thought a true 1RM would be around 385 so I decided to work up to 375 and attempt a heavy double or a safe 1RM.
The weights were moving really well, fast and no struggle during warm ups, so I was pretty confident. When the time came, my spotter got scared and grabbed the weight when the bar slowed down. It came off my chest with good speed but as soon as it got to my triceps, the bar stopped. I felt I had at least one rep in me with some grind, but my spotter didn’t wait and took the weight off me. Frustrating, but I’d rather be safe than sorry. Took it as a loss and moved on, I wasn’t going to attempt to move up or down and try another rep, so I moved to work sets.
The day ended up being really good, as I got 360×3 after my work up and rest of work sets, which itself is a 10 lbs 3RM PR, so the day still achieved what I needed to do, and I left happy. Triceps are still holding me back on bench, it’s the sticking point I just can’t get past.
Bench: Heavy Triple/PR Single
375×1 with scared spotter
Bench: Work sets
285×5, 325×3, 360×3
Floor Press
185×6, 225×8, 225×10
DB Bench Press
Pendlay Rows
Dynamic Lower
Body felt awful, joints hurt, and my knees were killing me. Even 225 was a struggle. I had 4 days rest between my 500 squat and this day, but I guess it wasn’t enough. Bad day overall, cut corners on single leg work and chose to do very light volume leg extensions to get some blood going, and get my knees moving. Still had a good AMRAP set but every rep felt like death.
Speed Squats vs. Light Bands
225x8x2, 235×5, 270×3, 300×9 (AMRAP)
Speed Deads vs. Short Light Bands
Good Mornings
Lat Pulls
Leg Exts
Dynamic Upper
No complaints here, weight moved easy, and my body was finally feeling good again.
Speed Bench vs. Monster Minis
Close Grip Bench vs. Monster Minis
175×5, 200×3, 230×10 (AMRAP)
Arnold Press
DB Rows
Rear Delt Flys
DB Skulls