Continuing on with the Q&A series from my Facebook page, this week I discuss how to transition to powerlifting from a physique-based background.
As crazy as this may seem, I think this is the most common way that people get into powerlifting. Majority of us when we start our fitness journey, get introduced either via friends or magazines and pick up the next best bodybuilding routine. After a few months, or even years, the quest for hitting certain numbers on lifts (primarily the squat, bench press, and/or deadlift) takes over. This leads to the discovery of powerlifting, and setting out a goal to hit these numbers under a sanctioning body.
I know this all too well, as I started out more on the very amateur bodybuilding scene doing some local shows. And I’ll be the first to tell you that I’m glad I had the route I did. Bodybuilding built me some quality muscle and helped improve my leverages, giving me a big base to build my strength from. Even now with clients, it’s more of the route I take to help younger lifters grow into the sport (and their bodies).
NutraBio teammate, Liz Jackson, inquired about this very thing, and how she could transition to stepping on the platform for her first meet. Rather than try and type out a long post, I figured it’d be easier to just sit down in front of camera and lay it all out there.
In the video below, you can find the following points discussed:
- When you’re ready to do your first meet
- What you’ll need to know beforehand
- The differences in training templates and programs needed
- Nutritional changes
- Key factors that will help your success